“You be fo0l?” — Singer 2baba tackles those attacking him, other celebrities for not endorsing any presidential candidate (video)


Iconic Nigerian musician, 2baba, recently took to his Instagram video to express his displeasure at those attacking celebrities who have not endorsed any presidential candidate.

He reminded Nigerians that it is up to them to choose a candidate and the election is not only about the presidency, but also about grassroot levels such as governorship and local government elections.

The ‘African Queen’ hitmaker also encouraged people to get involved in politics, join a political party and understand that building a better nation will take more than overnight work.


He further stressed that Nigerians must maintain their energy post-election and hold elected leaders to account if they do not perform their duties well.

[Watch the legendary musician speak here]

Originally posted 2023-02-10 21:08:18.

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