University of Manitoba Undergraduate Bursary in Canada 2025 | Step-by-Step Process


The University of Manitoba Undergraduate Bursary is an annual scholarship totaling $240,000, which is distributed among eligible candidates studying at this Canadian institution. This bursary is aimed at international undergraduate students who maintain good academic standing and can demonstrate financial need.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know, including the requirements, benefits, and a detailed application process.



  • Host Country: Canada
  • Study Abroad: Yes, in Canada
  • Category: Undergraduate Scholarships
  • Eligible Countries: All Countries
  • Scholarship Value: $240,000
  • IELTS Requirement: Not Required
  • Application Deadline: October 1, 2024


This bursary provides financial support to international undergraduate students at the University of Manitoba. The bursary is available to those pursuing a bachelor’s degree in both the fall and winter terms. To qualify, students must have good academic standing and show financial need.


To be eligible for this bursary, you must meet these criteria:

  • Course Load: Enroll in and complete courses in both the fall and winter terms.
  • Credit Hours: Complete at least 60 percent of a full course load per term (minimum of 9 credit hours per term).
  • Graduate Students: Must be full-time over the fall and winter terms but are exempt from the 60 percent course load requirement.
  • GPA Requirements: Continuing students need a minimum GPA of 2.0. New students (from high school) should have at least a 70% grade 12 average.
  • Mature Student Status: Students admitted under Mature Student Status may also be considered.
  • Financial Need: Must be clearly documented on the application. Applicants who have applied for government student loans from other provinces must submit a current official government loan assessment.
  • First-Year Students: International students in their first year of post-secondary study in Canada are not eligible to apply.


This bursary awards a total of $240,000 to support international students pursuing undergraduate degrees at the University of Manitoba.

How to Apply

Interested and eligible applicants should:

  1. Visit the Scholarship Application Webpage: Access the application page by clicking the button below.
  2. General Bursary Application: The University of Manitoba General Bursary Application is available through Aurora Student starting in early August each year.


Application Deadline: October 1, 2024


1. Can I apply for the bursary if I am in my first year of study in Canada?
No, first-year international students are not eligible to apply for this bursary.

2. What is the minimum GPA requirement for continuing students?
Continuing students need a minimum degree GPA of 2.0 to be eligible for the bursary.

3. Do graduate students need to meet the credit hour requirement?
Graduate students must be full-time but are exempt from the 60 percent course load requirements

How to Apply (Alternative)

Use the Search Button below to begin a search, the next page contains offers available just for you and then click on any results shown to Apply.