Singer, Timi Dakolo reacts as 8-year-old daughter begs him to buy her make-up kit worth N96k


Timi Dakolo, Popular Nigerian singer, took to social media to share a recent chat between him and his 8-year-old daughter, Zoe Dakolo.

The little girl had messaged her father on WhatsApp, begging him to buy her some beauty products for her face and teeth that would cost N96,000 when converted from pounds to naira.


In the message, she admitted that the items were expensive and begged her singer father to buy them for her anyway because they were her dream items.

“Good morning daddy I hope your day is going well. I’m here to greet you and ask you something really really important to me. I’m here to
say can you please by me something on Amazon. It’s a lot but those items are my dream I was wondering if you could buy it today please please”, she wrote in part.

Replying, Timi Dakolo simply told his daughter that she does not need the beauty products and instructed her to take a bath instead.

Sharing a snapshot of the chat on Instagram, the proud of three wrote, “God Abeg …Help me with this @zoedakolo. My daughter Dey always carry me where I no know.”.

See their exchange below,

Originally posted 2022-08-13 14:57:47.

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