Nigerians, Ghanaians and Others Africans can Now apply for UK teaching job with these Four Listed Steps


Through a program run by the department of education, qualified and suitable teachers from Nigeria can apply to work in schools in the United Kingdom (UK).

Candidates must possess qualified teacher status (QTS), which is a certification granted by the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA).


In many English schools, having qualified teacher status (QTS) is required by law, and it is regarded as desirable for teachers in the majority of English schools.


The TRA will accept applications for QTS from teachers with credentials from nine nations, including Nigeria. These are what they are:

1. Ghana
2. Hong Kong
3. India
4. Jamaica
5. Nigeria

6. Singapore

7. South  Africa
8. Ukraine
9. Zimbabwe


Teachers from these nations were taken into consideration because they are regarded as having a significant presence in the UK as valued members of the teaching workforce, there is a well-established interest in teaching in England in these nations, and we have strong educational ties with the nation in question, according to the UK.

The announcement states that “This change is a part of the rollout of a new service to apply for QTS in England.”

“As of February 1, 2023, teachers from all qualifying nations will need to demonstrate that they meet a set of uniform requirements in order to be awarded QTS. This method will eventually be made available to competent teachers from every nation outside of the UK.


While enhancing opportunities for highly qualified teachers wherever they received their training, this will ensure that all non-UK instructors awarded QTS meet the same high requirements.

These conditions must be met:

1. You don’t need a formal teacher training qualification to apply for evaluation.

2. You must have a first (bachelor’s) degree from a UK or non-UK institution and English language proficiency equivalent to a grade 4 GCSE. You must also have at least two years of teaching experience (General Certificate of Secondary Education).


3. The ability to teach math at the same level as a grade 4 GCSE to students in grades 3 through 11 in primary school, as well as the ability to teach physics, chemistry, or biology at the same level as a grade 4 GCSE.

4. A certain level of English language proficiency is also required. As a result, you must be able to demonstrate one of the items below.

You Possess

A. Been born in, have citizenship in, or have studied at the undergraduate level (or higher) in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, or in one of the exempt nationalities; been taught in English; taken a CEFR B2 level English language test at a secure English language test (SELT) provider; and met a CEFR B2 level of English proficiency. You will need to provide evidence that English has been the medium of instruction (MOI) of your degree.

Please visit this page for additional details on how to apply:

Originally posted 2023-02-27 23:59:01.

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