Nigerian Gospel singer, Chioma Jesus defeats Beyoncé in Twitter popularity contest


Nigerian gospel singer, Chioma Jesus has achieved a new ‘feat’ after defeating American superstar Beyonce in a popularity poll on Twitter.

A popularity poll was created on Twitter after a tweep, @imoteda claimed that the RnB singer is more popular than footballers. She added that it is weird for people to think otherwise.


According to her,
So many people think football players are cr@zy popular. It’s so weird. Like how can you say a football player is more popular than Beyonce? Then name two football players than even I wouldn’t recognize. Lol

The lady’s stance was greatly countered by tweeps, especially football fans and then one user, @_Ganzii who joined in the conversation created a poll between Chioma Jesus and Beyoncé.
The gospel singer got quite a big win in the poll as she got 85% percent of 110,995 votes cast.

Originally posted 2022-09-27 06:26:49.

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