[Music] Ayra Starr – Rush


Benin-born singer “Ayra Starr” is one of the most talented females in the music industry, one of her songs called, “Away” stole the most attention, which received mostly positive reviews from music critics and ranked at number four in Nigeria’s TurnTable Top 50 charts.

Ayra Starr opens her music account in the year 2022, The project comes fully equipped with eleven ravishing euphonies, ranging from R&B to pop, soul, and Afropop, showcasing her lyrical dexterity and versatility coupled with authentic delivery.


The beautiful and talented musician, who loves to address herself as a celestial being opens another wonderful entry called, Rush, with production driven by two record producers Henri Velasco and Andre Vibez.

Listen and share your thoughts below!

Originally posted 2022-09-24 18:16:39.

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