After a recent photo of Zinoleesky with his parents circulated online, followers of the Nigerian artist expressed apprehension about his wellbeing.
The picture depicts the musician appearing slimmer than usual, with noticeable cheekbones, which has prompted many of his supporters to speculate that he might be recuperating from an illness.
In contrast, Zinoleesky’s parents appear to be in good health in the photograph, intensifying the concerns of his followers about his condition.
Numerous supporters have expressed their concerns on social media and encouraged the “Kilofese” singer to seek medical help.
A Twitter user, @molasilola, wrote, “Zino needs to stop taking drugs, even his father looks so cute than him.”
@OGBENI_BAMBAM, “A child looking older than his parents, even when he’s assumed to be richer and younger than them, Drug can make one look Useless In life.”
@riskandgrace wrote, “This Zino Guy is older than his parents in this picture.”
@akinolaOlanike1, “Zino needs doctor’s attention… Good health is yours”.
@_Onlygemini, “Are you really sure this guy is fine medically fine medically? Why are you always looking like this? I’m happy for his achievements, though.”
Other users expressed similar concerns, with some suggesting that Zinoleesky’s love for marijuana may be taking a toll on his health.
See the photo below.
Originally posted 2023-05-10 14:13:50.
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