Why Adekunle Gold begged God For death over this deadly sickness.


Ina a bombshell newsletter to fans on Friday Adekunle Kosoko popularly know as Adekunle Gold has revealed his struggle with sickle cell anaemia.

Adekunle gold is a Nigerian musician that has made many fan base with his music.

Adekunle had shared this story via newsletter on Friday, the ‘Sade’ crooner wrote in detail how this disease impacted his childhood negatively, affect his parent financial status.


He also shared his painful suffering that makes him plead to God for a second chance.

The newsletter read in part, “It feels liberating to finally be able to share this part of my life with you, to finally be able to speak my truth. When I talk about how I struggled to get to where I am today, I need you to know that my struggle was real.

“I was born with sickle cell disease. It was life and death, it was physical, mental, financial, you name it and I went through it all. It was tough, painful and frustrating. I lived with a sickness no one around me understood, I lived with restrictions all my childhood.

“I wasn’t able to join some of the most minor child play and liberating activities like going out in the rain. The times when I insisted and rebelled against my parents’ orders and went out in the rain, I would end up having a crisis.”

His appreciated his mother for taking him to church for prayers despite not being able to meet up to the constant bill.

The singer Adekunle Gold also explained one of his “most intense crisis” at the age of 20, which make him prayed to God for death, and later served as a turning point in his life.

“I begged God to take my life because I couldn’t understand what I did to deserve the pain my body and mind was under,” he said. “As usual, with sickle crisis after some days, the pain subsided and God asked me; ‘That end you begged me for, do you still want it?’ Of course, I said no, and that was when everything changed for me.

“That was when I realised that I had been given another opportunity to live my dreams and to show those that mocked me that sickle cell anaemia was never going to end me, that it was never going to hold me back from my dreams and aspirations.”

AG Baby revealed that while he still had the symptoms once in a while, the disease had taught him resilience, discipline, and built his character as a whole.

Encouraging fans with his story, the singer admonished those dealing with sickle cell disease to ensure it did not define them.

“Don’t allow it to limit your dreams or cap your potential. Spread your wings and dream big! Hope to see you soaring the big skies,” he concluded.

Originally posted 2022-07-25 17:31:04.


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