“I don’t believe in marriage” – Mellisa Osagie reveals


Mellisa Osagie, a Nigerian actress, has shared her thoughts on marriage and having children out of wedlock.

During an interview with Saturday Beats, Osagie revealed her preference for friendship over marriage and disclosed that she had come close to getting married but ultimately chose not to.



The actress said;

“I do not believe in the idea of marriage. I was almost married but I called it off. I believe in the idea of companionship. If one is compatible with one’s partner, one does not need a ring to show that one is committed. It does not validate marriage.”

In addition, she offered her perspective on the suggestion for older women to have children outside of marriage in situations where forming a union is unlikely.

She added;

“Marriage as an institution has to do with bearing kids. Marriage or no marriage, it is very important for one to have a child. If not for now, at least for old age; even if it has to be done through surrogacy.”

Originally posted 2023-05-07 10:31:42.

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