Regardless of any limitations, every child has the right to a quality education. Therefore, prospective students who match the conditions for the Scholarship are now able to apply for Google Lime Scholarships Awards. For the academic year 2022–2023, the educational program is open, and all students who fall under the specified category are welcome to apply.
Information on the 2023–2024 Google Lime Scholarship Awards for Students with Disabilities
In order to encourage and support students in becoming future leaders in computing and technology, Google’s education and scholarship initiatives work to remove obstacles standing in their way.
We’ve joined with Lime Connect, a nonprofit that supports students with disabilities as they pursue education and promising jobs, as part of our commitment to assist university students with disabilities in achieving their academic objectives in the field of computer science.
For the 2023–2024 academic year, chosen students will receive 5,000 CAD or 10,000 USD, depending on where they are studying.
Conditions to Qualify for the Google Lime Scholarship
Those interested in applying must:
have, or believe they have, a disability, visible or invisible (see Lime Connect’s perspective on disability here)
be enrolled in a university as an undergraduate or graduate student for the school year 2023–2024.
Plan to enrol in a university full-time in the United States or Canada for the academic year 2022–2023
Maintain a high level of performance in school
Exhibit leadership qualities and a love of technology while obtaining a degree in computer science, computer engineering, or a closely related technical field.
Deadline for applications: December 12, 2021
To be taken at: Canada and the United States
For further information, go to the official website.
Originally posted 2023-01-07 04:22:19.
How to Apply (Alternative)
Use the Search Button below to begin a search, the next page contains offers available just for you and then click on any results shown to Apply.