Campbell Fellowship for Women Scholar-Practitioners from Developing Countries

By czack

Female candidates from developing nations with low or moderate levels of income are now eligible to apply for the Campbell Fellowship for Women. Hurry and fill out the application if you’re interested because it’s only open to ladies from these regions each year.

For more information about the Campbell Fellowship for Women Scholar-Practitioners from Developing Countries


Female postdoctoral social scientists from poor countries are eligible for the Vera R. Campbell Foundation-funded Fellowship if their research focuses on the economic and social empowerment of women in that country.

The program’s dual objectives are to improve the academic careers of female social scientists from developing nations and to fund studies that pinpoint the root causes of gender inequality there and offer workable solutions for promoting women’s economic and social empowerment…

Criteria for Selection and Eligibility of Women Scholar-Practitioners from Developing Nations
Citizens of poor nations that are currently qualified to borrow from the World Bank must apply.

The ability to communicate effectively in written and spoken English is a must for applicants in order to participate fully in the SAR intellectual community.

Accessible topics
Researchers in anthropology, economics, education, geography, history, law, linguistics, political science, psychology, social work, or sociology are welcome to apply, as are those working in an interdisciplinary field that combines two or more of these fields.

What the Scholarship entails
Country: USA
Vera R. Campbell Foundation, award-maker.
Scholarship duration: six months
Postdoctoral Fellowship for Women, degree level
Not many scholarships are offered.

Application Method

How to apply: For additional information on how to apply, candidates must go to the scholarship website.

Scholarship Value
The Campbell Fellow receives a $4,500 monthly income in addition to accommodation and office space on the SAR campus, cash for shipping and library resources, health insurance, and the assistance of a mentorship committee made up of seasoned scholar-practitioners.


Originally posted 2023-01-07 04:35:32.

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