The family of the season 7 Reality TV show, Kesiena Adjekpovu, Well known as Kess, has disclosed that his wife had a miscarriage.
Recall that It was earlier reported that the 28-year-old married housemate lost his son on the 25th of July, 2022, just three days after the show started.
In an official statement on Thursday, Explaining in details on the tragic incident, the family said Kess’ wife had a miscarriage and she’s now in good condition.
The family asked for support and prayers as he continues his quest in the Big Brother house.
The statement read,
“The past weeks have been most trying for the family of Adjepkovu. We are saddened by the loss of Kess’s son through a miscarriage but we are comforted by the well wishes and kind thoughts of friends around. Special regards to the wife for being strong and courageous through the whole experience.
”Kess is a strong character and would need our prayers right now as he continues his quest in the Bigbrother show. The family asks for respectful consideration during this private time. Thank you”.
Meanwhile, fans of the reality show have called on organizers of the show to inform him so he would be able to process the loss and decide his next line of action.
Originally posted 2022-08-11 17:25:50.
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