Autistic lady welcomes baby boy after her baby daddy denied being responsible for the pregnancy (Video)

By Marks Beejay 103 Views

Joy, an autistic woman from Nigeria, has achieved something extraordinary by giving birth to a healthy baby boy, despite facing numerous challenges.

According to Joy’s sister, who took to social media to share the news, the man allegedly responsible for the pregnancy has denied any involvement in the matter.



A touching video surfaced online, showcasing the heartwarming sight of the new mother and her vibrant baby boy, as they both enjoyed a glamorous makeover.

Additionally, the sister revealed that due to the man’s denial of responsibility for the pregnancy, the family has stepped in to provide care and support for Joy. 

Despite the challenges and stress they faced as a result, the family expressed immense relief and joy to witness the well-being of their sister and her baby.

“This is my kid sister, her name is Joy, Joy has autism. She was already 3 months gone when my family found out she was pregnant, my elder sister called to tell me the news, we cried, prayed… we asked her who was responsible, she pointed one, we called him in he denied everything. We took responsibility of taking care of her”, the sister narrated.


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