15 Certificate-Free Jobs in Australia for Immigrants in 2024 and Beyond

Australia is increasingly becoming a top choice for those looking to start fresh abroad, boasting a strong economy and low unemployment rates. It’s no surprise that people from all over the globe are considering Australia for their new home. Below, we’ve compiled a list of the top 15 jobs in Australia that don’t require certificates, making them accessible for immigrants.

Australia has long been known as a preferred destination for skilled migrants and international students alike. With its stable economy and well-organized migration policies, it’s an ideal spot for those looking to further their careers or academic pursuits. Moreover, the post-COVID-19 landscape is likely to spur job growth in the country, making it even more appealing to skilled professionals and students.


Job opportunities are plentiful in both urban and rural areas across Australia. This means that skilled migrants with regional visas can take full advantage of the country’s highly regarded skilled migration program. After completing their education, international students can refine their skills, while professionals can apply and expand their knowledge in Australia’s dynamic job market.

Whether you’re aspiring to be a registered nurse or hoping to get into programming, here’s a list of 15 certificate-free jobs in Australia for immigrants. These opportunities are available either after graduation or through skilled migration pathways:

The Top 15 Certificate-Free Jobs in Australia for Immigrants

  1. Nurses and Medical Staff
    Australia is an attractive option for registered nurses and other medical staff. The healthcare industry is booming, and many current professionals are nearing retirement age, creating a significant demand for new talent. Registered nurses, aged and disabled carers, personal care workers, receptionists, and nursing support staff are among the most sought-after positions in this field. The healthcare sector has seen significant growth over the past five years, and this trend is expected to continue into 2024 and beyond.
  2. Software Programmers and IT
    The tech industry in Australia is experiencing a surge in demand for software engineers, particularly those skilled in areas like user experience, mobile and back-end design, front-end development, and full-stack development. According to a recent survey, UI/UX designers, software engineers, and developers were among the top 15 most advertised jobs.
  3. Trades and Construction
    The construction industry is always in need of workers, especially technicians and tradespeople like electricians, carpenters, joiners, and plumbers. There’s also been a steady demand for unskilled laborers, making this a viable option for many immigrants.
  4. White Collar Management/Professionals
    Similar to software developers, there’s a growing need for various white-collar professionals in fields such as marketing, advertising, and accounting. If you have experience and qualifications in these areas, you’ll likely find it easier to secure employment in Australia.
  5. Automotive and Engineering Trades Workers
    Motor mechanics are in high demand throughout Australia, especially those who specialize in areas like automotive electricians, automatic transmission mechanics, and automotive air-conditioning mechanics. Other trades in this category include metal machinists, sheet metal workers, panel beaters, welders, fitters, and metal fabricators, though the demand for specific specializations can vary by state.
  6. Engineers
    While not at the top of the list, there’s still a significant demand for skilled and trained engineers in Australia. This includes mechanical, industrial, electronics, transportation, and electrical engineers.


What are the Skilled Jobs with Visa Sponsorship in Australia?
Some of the skilled jobs in Australia that offer visa sponsorship include positions like Chief Executive or Managing Director, Construction Project Manager, Accountant, Civil Engineer, and Registered Nurse. These roles are crucial for the country’s economy and are therefore in high demand.

What are the Top 10 Australia Free Visa Jobs in 2024?

According to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, the top jobs likely to be in demand over the next five years include Construction Managers, Civil Engineering Professionals, Early Childhood Teachers, Registered Nurses, ICT Specialists, Software and Applications Programmers, Electricians, Chefs, Child Carers, and Aged and Disability Carers.

What are the Visa Sponsorship Jobs for Foreigners in Australia?

Foreigners can find visa sponsorship opportunities in various fields, including programming, construction management, civil engineering, early childhood education, nursing, engineering, electrical work, cooking, childcare, and aged and disability care. The Australian government is actively seeking to fill gaps in these sectors with talented foreign workers.

The List of Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Australia for Foreigners

If you’re considering migrating to Australia, here are some of the jobs that might offer visa sponsorship:

  • Programmers
  • Construction Managers
  • Civil Engineering Specialists
  • Early Childhood Teachers
  • Registered Nurses
  • Engineers
  • Electricians
  • Cooks
  • Child Carers
  • Aged and Disability Carers

The Top 4 Visa Sponsorship Jobs in Australia for 2024

  1. Childcare Educators and Teachers
    Childcare educators and teachers play a crucial role in Australia’s workforce. Sponsorship visas are available for those interested in this field, particularly through the ANZSCO Code 241111, which allows for the sponsorship of international early childhood teachers to work in childcare.
  2. Registered Nurses
    Internationally qualified registered nurses should explore immigration and career opportunities in Australia. Depending on the visa they apply for, they may need to meet specific conditions. Enrolled nurses, including those with a Diploma of Nursing, are also eligible for employer-sponsored visas.
  3. Engineers
    Sponsored engineers must meet certain eligibility requirements, which could include relevant educational background, job experience, and sometimes language proficiency. The application is reviewed by immigration authorities, who may request additional information before issuing the visa.
  4. Trades (Mechanics, Electricians, and More)
    Tradespeople, such as mechanics and electricians, play a vital role in addressing workforce shortages across various industries. They must meet specific qualifications, including necessary credentials and job experience, to qualify for sponsorship visas.


The top 15 certificate-free jobs for immigrants in Australia mentioned above are based on employment ceilings, which limit the number of Expressions of Interest (EOI) or invitations that the Australian Government will issue for specific job groups. While these numbers haven’t been updated recently, they still offer a reliable guide to in-demand jobs.

As you can see, there’s a wide range of professions available in Australia, so if you’re planning to move there in the next year or so, there’s no shortage of opportunities—though the specific jobs in demand may change from year to year.

Australia needs to rejuvenate its economy and return to growth, and many experts believe that attracting migrants to fill skill gaps is one of the most effective ways to achieve this. If your qualifications aren’t in high demand, a top-up or booster course could enhance your skills and help you qualify for one of the positions on the list.

Australia is welcoming to immigrants, offering ample job opportunities across various fields. The top 15 certificate-free jobs listed here can serve as a roadmap for anyone looking to start a rewarding journey in this beautiful country.

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